The Julekalender

Although this phrase directly translated to “Advent Calendar” I would more accurately call it a “Christmas Calendar”. As I have mentioned before, Norwegians love the Christmas season, and they do a wonderful job of celebrating it! One of the trademarks about this season is the TV series that they air all over the country.
“Heyyyy it’s hard to be a nissemann”
One of the things I love about this is that they use Norwenglish, a combination of Norwegian and English. This means that sentences are a mix of Norwegian and English, coming out to sound like, “Oh shit! It’s på norsk!” (oh shit, it’s in Norwegian) it is where I got the title of this blog! In this show there are only three actors! What a feat! They did an excellent job at this though, and it is very funny to watch the episodes come out. There is an episode a day that you can watch, and it is meant to be a family time. The series features three “nisse” who are searching for a key to wind up Gammel nok (old enough) to wind up the music box that plays the melody of his life. But they have to b wary of any nåså, nisse hunters who resemble humans until they drink alchohol which brings out their sharp teeth and large glasses. I hope to go into more depth on the fairy tale creatures of Norway in another post once I finish a few books I have on the subject.
Each episode ends in a slight cliffhanger, what will happen to the nisse? Who is this strange man? And so on. Each episode isn’t more than 20 minutes as well, which is nice for those with children who want to watch too. The US has just started to marathon Christmas movies but having Christmas specials for shows has always been a tradition. This year is the “funny one” according to my local Norwegian, though there are numerous other ones. According to my friend the older ones are better, but we will see in the coming years! (woah, wrong post published)

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