
^Not a nisse, but wearing a nisselue. This is coming a little out of season, but nisse play a big role in Norwegian folklore, especially around Christmas. A nisse has the same character as a pixi, they're not exactly good but they're also not evil. They tend to play little pranks here and there,but nothing …

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Foodie Night: Gløgg

To an American Norwegians tend to eat very bland foods, and for picky eaters (I will admit I'm one) it can be a rough adjustment. Walking into a store here you will find a very small selection of foods not from Norway, and that includes American foods such as pumpkin puree! Thanksgiving was a little …

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Julebrus/Christmas Soda

It's a beautiful day to write about Norway! Julebrus! Julebrus, or "Christmas Soda" comes out in late October/early November, the start of the Christmas season. Aass traditionally makes beer, you know, that nice "aass" beer, that is available all year round. Now you may be wondering, "Why would a brewery make soda?" Traditionally breweries from …

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