Norwegian Strawberries

Earth berries
The best thing your mouth will ever experience on this plane.
The juiciest, the sweetest, the most wonderful thing in the world. Strawberry season. It is the shortest and cruelest season I have ever lived through. For the first summer I lived here I’m confident that I had strawberries every night in the summer, and at the time I still stubbornly clung to the belief that American strawberries were better. I have since learned the error of my ways.
Like little red gems they hide here, these berries are most likely the offspring of berries we had dropped by accident years ago here while working on the area (or via the nature way of birds) so though they were not the ones you’ll find at the farm stands they weren’t the highly sough after, ruby of the forest, the markjordbær which is in a league of it’s own. We are incredibly lucky to live near a farm that opens up a “self pick” for strawberries (among other crops throughout the year) and though the season was short due to the heat and the drought the berries were heavenly as always.

It is one thing to swing by the local store to buy a basket of berries, it is another world to stop (abruptly) at a farm stand along the road, but picking your own berries (and maybe eating a few) is a wonderful way to pass the day.

Norwegians are very self sustaining, many people who come to the self pick are usually bringing buckets and baby baths to collect the berries which they will later freeze, make into jam (to distribute or freeze) so they will have that little taste of summer to last them through the long winter, running out only in time for the early berries to reemerge in late May. After three years and many summers here I have let my American pride slide just enough to say I am a hardcore Norwegian strawberry fan.

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