Cat Lady Post Ahead

For all my fellow cat people out there. See that huge cat? That is Tjukken (Don), he weighs 25lbs and is massive. The smaller cat is my little American shorthair/barn cat, Ribbon who weighs about 11lbs. Though they are both cats, the larger one is a Norsk skogskatt, Norwegian Forest Cat, which is probably my favorite breed of cat.
Norwegian Forest cats are large, fluffy, strong, and shed like it’s their job. Just by walking around a neighborhood you will most likely see one of these cats running around as they are the most popular breed in Norway. When I was in Arendal the streets were ruled by these cats, such as the one in the picture below. Although you may be tripping over these cats now the breed almost went extinct around World War II!
The traits of a Norsk skogskatt are long fur, which has two layers with the top being water proof and the second under layer acting more as insulation. In other words they shed, a lot. They tend to be very large, much like the Maine Coon cats in the states. They tend to be very stocky, which accounts for their strength. The cat above was a stray, to explain why it looks so skinny while the breed is typically very, ahem, “fluffy”.
Here is Ribbon and the neighbor’s cat sizing each other up.
We affectionately call the neighbor’s cat, “the mystical kitty”. On look at this cat and I’m sure you can see why. Though it is outdoors all day there is not a blemish on the coat. Norwegian Forest cats were considered cats of the fairies. It was told that they lived in the mountains and would defy gravity by climbing the steep rocks with grace. Besides awing people with their gravity defying ways it was also told that the goddess, Freya, loved these cats as well. Wherever she went the cats would be around her feet. Freya was the goddess of fertility, love, and the hearth (home). As a way to earn her blessings, farmers would leave out offering for her and for good measure they would put out cream or milk for her cats.One of the customs was to ask the blessing of Freya and her cats for a good marriage. Though Freya is one of the big names in the mythology world she is most known for her cat drawn chariot, yes you read that right. Norwegian Forest cats were told to be so large that not even Thor could lift them! Freya had two gray cats that were her absolute favorites, and these were the two who pulled her chariot. See picture below:
I found some fun superstitions surrounding these cats and love:
-If you step on a cats tail you will not marry for a year
-If a woman feeds a cat before she walks down the aisle she will have a happy marriage
-If a girl loves cats she will for sure marry (maybe there is hope for all my fellow cat ladies out there)
-Giving the newly weds a kitten as a gift will assure their first year is a lucky one (pssst, I’m not married but I could totally go for like 10 more cats)
If you ever have the chance to meet one of these mystic beasts be sure to give lots of cuddles as they tend to be very friendly and affectionate.
Bonus picture of a cat in a sink:
And also, just because I am a cat lover…

(I saw this beauty in Bergen and can see why Freya loves these cats so much)

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