
^Not a nisse, but wearing a nisselue.
This is coming a little out of season, but nisse play a big role in Norwegian folklore, especially around Christmas. A nisse has the same character as a pixi, they’re not exactly good but they’re also not evil. They tend to play little pranks here and there,but nothing serious. To keep the nisser happy, and to prevent them from playing mean pranks, it is common practice to leave a bowl of grøt out for them to eat in the barn. But don’t forget the butter! In a darker tale, according to Nøkk, a nisse thought the farm lady didn’t give him butter but she had merely placed it under the grøt, so he went out and beat her cows to death only to find the butter at the bottom. Hopefully he felt bad after finding that out! For the most part people in rural areas and on farms held the nisse belief so strongly that they would tiptoe around making sure to do all their chores, and they did this well into the 1800’s! The belief is still strong but nisser have taken on a sweeter disposition, like Santa. There are some that live in the North Pole with him, the julnisse, and they bring gifts on Christmas Eve, just like Santa for the Americans.
So remember to give your nisse grøt! But don’t treat him too well or he will think he is above the household chores and walk off!

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