Julebrus/Christmas Soda

It’s a beautiful day to write about Norway! Julebrus!
Julebrus, or “Christmas Soda” comes out in late October/early November, the start of the Christmas season. Aass traditionally makes beer, you know, that nice “aass” beer, that is available all year round. Now you may be wondering, “Why would a brewery make soda?” Traditionally breweries from all over the country make a Christmas beer that they put out in, you guessed it, late October/early November. This tradition eventually trickled into making soda, so the whole family could enjoy a special Christmas drink. The soda usually comes in two flavors, the red (pictured) is a raspberry flavor and there is also another golden-ish one that is best described as a cream soda. If you notice the label is a santa looking man, this is a “nisse” which I will get into on another post in the near future. In friendly competition the breweries each try to outdo each other in the label making, trying to get that Rockwell feeling into the homes of all Norwegians.

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